Savannah Girl's Three Wishes: A New Adult Fantasy Romance Page 9
Another bout of insistent knocking on the door drew both their glances.
Jessica barged in and interrupted them. She tucked a long strand of platinum blonde hair behind one ear, spied the kitten emptying his food bowl, and sneered.
She pointed to Marley’s stethoscope. “You’re not even licensed yet, and you’re doing exams on animals?”
Her face stung like Jessica had slapped her. Thoroughly insulted, Marley replied with a touch of ice in her voice, “I’ve been doing exams on animals with my father since I learned to walk, Jessica.” She eyed her degree hanging on the wall. How dare Jessica implicate she was doing something wrong?
Marley’s fingers trembled, and she clutched the edge of the exam table to stop them from shaking. Jessica Snow had a way of pushing her buttons, always had, but she didn’t have to participate in her head games.
Maybe Jessica was jealous because she was helping Jake? For the life of her, Marley couldn’t figure out why Jake had dated Jessica. Maybe it had something to do with all their money.
“We had an appointment at ten am sharp to discuss the building lease, and I don’t have all day. This is a business, not a charity,” Jessica said.
Jake turned to address Jessica. “Marley was just giving me an opinion on my new kitten.”
Jessica sneezed and pulled a tissue out of her designer crocodile bag. “Oh, well, if it’s for you, then, of course I don’t mind waiting.” She checked her watch again in an impertinent way.
Marley felt bad for the crocodile. Watching Jessica soften because of Jake infuriated her.
Jessica moved close to Jake and put her hand on his arm. “My parents wanted me to make sure you’d gotten your invitation to the town Christmas Party, You will be coming, won’t you?”
“Honestly, I haven’t decided yet,” he said, sliding his hands into his pockets, pulling away from her.
Marley looked down to hide a grin, cheering inside that Jake saw through Jessica’s rather poor acting skills.
“It’s the biggest celebration of the season. I want you there, beside me.” Jessica’s voice was possessive, longing, and she pursued him.
Jake held out his palms to stop her, then stepped back, shaking his head.“It’s really not my sort of thing… besides, I’ve got mares about to foal and I can’t be away from the ranch so late at night for a social function.”
Jake looked miserably uncomfortable to be put on the spot like that, something Jessica was famous for. Marley felt bad for him, but maybe the two of them were trying to work things out. It wasn’t her place to interfere, after all. They’d been an item for some time now.
“It’s just a couple of hours, Jake. I’ll be expecting you to pick me up at seven sharp on Thursday night, and Daddy promised we could talk about that business venture I proposed last week for your horses.” Jessica tapped her spiked heeled foot on the floor.
Marley watched Jessica morph from the shark she was into a doting girlfriend, and she did her best to keep a sneer from her own face. She wasn’t about to let Jessica Snow get the best of her. Marley had mortgaged her father’s building to the bank. She’d had to find an investor to keep the shop open while she’d finished her studies, so Harrison Snow had been her last resort.
That point of contention tied her hands, though, and all she could do was try to make things civil between them. The fact that Jake and Jessica were an item was something to be considered as well.
“I can see you two are busy here with your… kitten. Still, Marley, we have business to discuss. If you’re too busy helping Jake we can reschedule for…” Jessica took her smartphone from her Christmas red designer bag and tapped the screen, then zeroed in on her calendar. “I can meet you at my office at 2:30 this afternoon.”
“I’m not available then. I’m scheduled to take my credentialing exam this afternoon.”
Jessica stamped her foot. “You’re avoiding the inevitable. If you can’t meet the payment schedule we set up for you, you’ll have to move everything out of this building.”
“Our business is confidential, if you don’t mind. I’m not interested in discussing this with you in front of Jake.” Marley’s face heated. She couldn’t believe Jessica would be so bold, but what should she expect? That somehow the week before Christmas Jessica might cut her a break? Right. So much for believing in the spirit of Christmas.
Jessica’s eyes brightened. “Everyone’s going to find out eventually, Marley.” She wheeled around the room like a kid who’d spotted presents under the Christmas tree. “I have plans for this building. It’s going to be the best designer clothing boutique in town. Won’t that be grand?”
She sort of squealed when she said it, and spun around like a little girl, touching the place that Marley had known as her home for most of her life. “I see it as a site where everyone can come from far and wide to buy high-end fashion in our little corner of the world.”
“You’re going to replace the town’s Feed & Seed with a dress store?” Jake asked, his mouth falling open. “That’s a terrible idea.”
Marley stiffened. So that’s what all the rush was about. Jessica wanted her property for herself. “I think the people in this town need a veterinarian front and center, not a designer dress shop. What about all the animals? The farmers? Besides, this place has been a part of this town for years. My grandfather started the store in the forties. It’s part of our cultural heritage.”
Jessica huffed, and turned toward the door. “Times are changing, or haven’t you heard?” She opened the door, then turned back and glared at her. “Unless you can come up with the money for the first payment on the mortgage before Christmas, Snow Enterprises will be foreclosing.”
With that, she was gone.
JAKE TURNED AND glared at Marley. “Is it true?”
Marley stiffened. “I don’t want to talk about it, Jake.”
“Why not? Maybe I can help stop her.”
She shook her head. “It’s important to me to handle this myself.”
He frowned. Maybe she didn’t want his help. Maybe she had a plan, and he didn’t have any business poking his nose in where it wasn’t needed. Still, he hated the thought of losing the pet store. Marley’s father had always been here, steady and true, the best small town veterinarian in three counties.
“I’m going to pass this test this afternoon, and then I’ll deal with Mr. Snow.” She took down a bag of kitten food , a cat crate, and a package of vitamins. She put the kitten in the crate and handed Jake the food and supplies.
“This should be enough to start you off. You’ll need to set him up a litter box. Take the kitten home with you. If you can’t make things work out, we can add him to the list of animals to be adopted, but at least give him a chance, will you? He’d be a fine asset to your stables, Jake.”
He nodded. “I’ll see what I can do.”
“You can at least foster him until then, right? Besides, every cowboy needs a cat.”
Still, he wasn’t willing to let the issue with Jessica go. “Why don’t you at least let me talk to Mr. Snow? We’ve done some business together. I can convince him to extend your lease until the spring.”
Marley held up her hand to dismiss him. “I’m fine. Right now, I have to go. I’m due on campus in an hour to take my certification test. If I don’t get my credentials, this conversation is pointless anyway.” She frowned, and the corner of her mouth tilted down on the right. He focused in on the gesture, and all he wanted to do was make her frown turn back into a smile.
He followed her out of her office and into the store. He went to his truck, put the kitten in, got in, and sat there for a few minutes looking at the historic building.
Vets4Pets had stood there on Main Street ever since he could remember. It was as much a part of the town as anything else, the church, the post office, the bank... When he was a child his dad brought him here, and they’d gotten all the supplies for his dad’s ranch from Marley’s dad. Everyon
e had.
Jake sighed. Jessica was threatening more than Marley with her ridiculous business plan.
He’d never considered the place would ever go out of business. What would the town be like without it? Moreover, who would take care of all the town’s animals? His racehorses?
It was already snowing big, fluffy snowflakes, and the weather report reflected the gray sky. Some of the old timers in the café this morning spouted warnings of an impending blizzard, and while Kentucky never really got that much snow, Jake had to return to his ranch to check on the two mares. He fired up his truck’s ignition.
Marley walked out of the store and got into her old truck a few spaces away. The constant sound of an engine refusing to turn over caught his ear, followed by a slamming door, then a string of most unladylike curse words. He grinned. Then the engine sound ground against his nerves again.
He hopped out of his Silverado, and rounded the front of the truck to check on her. Marley leapt out of her vehicle, and shook her fist toward the sky. She kicked the tire of her ancient, rusted pickup.
He strode up to her. “Your day keeps getting better and better, right?”
She turned on him, and took a quick glance at her watch. “I can’t miss this exam. Everyone’s depending on me.”
End of excerpt.
I hope you enjoyed reading this sneak peek of my feel-good sugar and spice holiday romance.
Click here to keep reading Marmalade’s First Christmas.
Or visit our website at for more information on all my books.
Happy reading!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Thank you!
Author’s Note and Acknowledgements
Titles by Paula Millhouse
This is a work of fiction. All the characters, settings, organizations, and events in this book are fictitious and products of the author’s imagination.
Copyright © 2018 by Paula Millhouse.
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing by the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
Original cover design by Paula Millhouse, © 2018.
Original image of girl © Olena Kucher, via Depositphotos, modified. Shamrock vector © losw via Depositphotos, modified.
Formatted by Paula Millhouse with Vellum.
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Created with Vellum
Titles by Paula Millhouse
Praise for Paula Millhouse . . .
“Adorable, sweet, sexy holiday read! I fell in love with Jake right from the start, with him saving a tiny orange kitten lost in the snow. And I loved his interaction with Marley. A really nice feel-good holiday story!”
~Mo, on Marmalade’s First Christmas
“The way the author writes the story is simple; it is very easy to read and difficult to forget. She’s created exceptional characters and a plot that is totally unique.”
~Bibliophile Angel Reviews on Hunters’ Watch Brigade: Initiation
“I absolutely love Millhouse. She has quickly jumped into my circle of favorite writers. I love her imagination and the imagery she creates for readers. I was smoothly brought into the story and enjoyed every minute. I give this book 5 stars!”
~Beth at Boundless Book Reviews on Dragonstone
“I like authors that aren’t afraid to embrace strong female leads. Chalvaren Rising is a fantastic story full of wonderful fantasy in a big world the author can explore and develop in later installments if she chooses to do so.”
~Krissy at Krissy’s Bookshelf Reviews
“I loved it! Hunters’ Watch Brigade: Initiation was a saucy adventure that combined elements of fantasy, romance, mythology, and action in one amazing story and this will be a series that I absolutely continue with. I want more Sam and Max, please!”
~The Genre Minx Book Reviews on Hunters’ Watch Brigade: Initiation